What are the FAQs?
FAQ  stands for Frequently Asked Questions, or recurring questions from users; here you can quickly and easily find the answer to all your questions.
Read them all before submitting your story or asking for information.
What is Virginia Woolf Project – ViWoP?
Virginia Woolf Project
is inspired by ‘Phyllis and Rosamond’, one of the first short stories by the English writer Virginia Stephen Woolf.
Virginia Woolf Project
collects this cultural heritage and relaunches the task of keeping track of women’s stories, hosting tales or simple diaries of life, coming from anywhere in the world, in a website destined to become a great fresco of the “feminine” of this era.
Read the project here
How can I tell my story?
There are no limits: the only common denominator in the stories must be the reflection on one’s own condition as a woman today and on the constraints that society imposes.By writing the story or talking in a video (using your smartphone).You can narrate an episode or a day of your life, in the form of a personal diary or, using the formula of the English writer, describing imaginary characters but representative of your social environment, present or past.You can accompany your written story with your own photo or an image.The story can alternatively be realized also with images, graphic novels or various creative contributions.
In any case you must be the owner or you must have the exclusive copyright for the materials you send.
Every materials you send must be
unpublished. Before send your materials you must accepts the terms of condition.
Please read ‘Important info on release and copyright’ below and the Regulation page.

How long can my story be?
The text must have a maximum length of 10 thousand characters.The video must have a 1 × 1 (square) format and be no longer than 1 minute or be no heavier than 25 megabytes. In the case of graphic novels or various creative contributions, follow the shorter forms and choose adaptable formats for the web and social media.In all cases ViWoP suggests the shorter forms.
Which language to use?
The basic languages ​​used are English and Italian, but contributions will be received in every language.In the case of video stories or other creative contributions, you have to send the original text in a word file too.It is preferable if the text, written or spoken, is accompanied by an English translation.
Who can send the story of a day to ViWoP?
Women of all ages and of any nationality.
How can I send my story to ViWoP?
You can copy and paste the text and/or attach a file. Go to the Send page and fill in the forms.
Do I have to register to send a story?
It is not necessary to register. To send the material you must indicate your email which will be used exclusively to keep you updated on the project or for any clarifications. Your email will not be transferred to third parties.
Important info on release and copyright
People who sends the material to ViWoP, declares, under their own responsibility, even legal, that the documents, texts, images, videos and any other formula, are original of their own production and they have legal rights, and automatically authorizes Virginia Woolf Project for publication on the website and spread through any social media tool or mass media will be deemed useful to the project without requiring any pay.ViWoP will reserve its publication subject to verification of compliance with the subject matter. Therefore, non-relevant texts, vulgar and offensive material will not be accepted.
Where can I read Virginia Woolf’s Phyllis and Rosamond for free both in the original and translated language?
By registering to archive.org (Internet Archive is a digital non-profit library with the aim of allowing “universal access to knowledge”) at this link you can read the story in the original English language. On the Read page you will find the Italian version of the story too.
How can I support Virginia Woolf Project?
You can give your support to Virginia Woolf Project – ViWoP, to collect and spread the legacy of Virginia Woolf, in terms of content (by sending your story), of sharing (spreading the project on social media and among your acquaintances) of ideas (collaborations and suggestions for the ViWoP and about Virginia Woolf) and also economic (with a crowdfunding).
What are the rewards for those who will support the project economically?
A crowdfunding will support the work and the costs of updating and maintaining the site in various languages, spread of the contents on social media, communication and promotion campaigns, management activities, translation and publication of the material received.Soon the details of the campaign. Stay tuned!
Where can I find Virginia Woolf Project – ViWoP on social media?
How soon will my story be published?
The time can vary greatly depending on the amount of material received, the source language, the content checks.In any case, the publication will not take place before 48 hours.
Can I send more stories?
Yes, even in different formats.
Can I sign myself as an anonymous person?
It is mandatory, in respect of any legal responsibility, to fill in the form with truthful information. However, it is possible to request anonymous or alias publication.
Who manages the publication of stories is virginiawoolfproject.com?
Find information on the About Us page
For further clarification it is possible to access the forum (link)

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